XAMPP is a free Windows tool to quickly set up a web server
Microsoft.NET 7.0 SDK is a toolkit for Windows that enables.NET applications
APK Easy Tool is a Windows software for APK manipulation
APK Editor Studio is a Windows tool for reverse engineering APKs
Atom is a powerful text editor for Windows that empowers programmers
Brackets is a web development tool for Windows that streamlines the process.
APK Toolkit is a Windows tool that simplifies APK management
Flipper for Windows is a useful app that offers great functionality
Dev Home (Preview) is a Windows tool that simplifies dev workflows
SharpDevelop is an IDE for Windows that aids.NET devs
Geany is a lightweight Windows text editor for easy programming.
Code Writer is a Windows app that simplifies code writing
MAMP is an easy-to-use Windows local dev environment for web apps
INZ APKTool is a Windows tool that simplifies APK manipulation for users
Iron PDF is a C# PDF Library that converts ChatGPT text to PDFs on Windows
CSHTML to PDF is a tool that converts CSHTML to PDFs on Windows
Flatten PDF CSharp is a C# library that simplifies PDF flattening for Windows
PDF Stamper CSharp is a C# library that automates PDF stamping
PDF to PDFA Python is a Windows tool that simplifies PDF to PDF/A conversion
Nevron Open Vision is an advanced UI controls suite for Windows that simplifies app development.
Deno is a Rust-built runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript on Windows
SentiMask SDK Trial is a Windows tool for 3D face motion capture.
Python Merge PDF is a tool that enables efficient PDF merging on Windows
Label Generator for Industrial is a Windows tool that simplifies label creation for industries.
Drive Recovery Software Professional recovers files instantly on Windows
Standard Label Industry Software is a powerful tool that simplifies label creation
Microsoft.NET SDK is a Windows tool that enables efficient development.
ASP NET Core Display PDF is a tool that enables seamless PDF display in ASP.NET Core apps
ROMSorter is a Windows tool that organizes ROMs efficiently
TextEncoder is a Windows tool that simplifies text encoding for users
Visual Studio Code is a cross-platform code editor that empowers developers
Android Studio is an integrated dev environment for Android on Windows
Python is a versatile programming language for Windows that simplifies coding.
Arduino IDE is an official programming tool for Windows that enables easy code creation and upload to Arduino boards.
PyCharm Community is a free Windows IDE for Python development
Java 2 Runtime Environment is essential for running Java apps on Windows
Visual Studio Community is a multiplatform dev env from Microsoft.
Manage root or developer mode on your LG TV with webOS
Microsoft.NET Desktop Runtime enables running.NET apps on Windows
PowerShell is a powerful CLI for Windows that automates tasks
Discover the latest Blogs software for Windows: Wordpress, Woocommerce, Wordpress Comment Notifier
Discover the latest Installers software for Windows: Apk Installer On Wsa, Innoextractor, Inno Setup
Discover the latest Databases software for Windows: Mysql Workbench, Postgresql, Microsoft Sql Server
Discover the latest Java software for Windows: Apache Netbeans Ide, Java2 Sdk, Apache Tomcat
Discover the latest Html software for Windows: Microsoft Expression Web, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Kompozer
Discover the latest Video Games software for Windows: Scratch, Unity, Aseprite
Discover the latest Help Edition software for Windows: Scite (Scintilla), Helpndoc, Mythcoder
Discover the latest C/C++ software for Windows: Dev-C++, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, Code::blocks
Discover the latest PHP software for Windows: Wampserver, Gallery, Php