HeidiSQL is a Windows tool for efficient MySQL database management.
FastReport is a tool that generates error reports for apps on Windows
TortoiseSVN is a version control tool for Windows that simplifies file management
RStudio IDE is a powerful tool for R and Python on Windows
Typora is a simple Windows text editor with Markdown and MathJax support
TurboWarp is a tool for creating diverse projects with enhanced features.
CMake is a build system generator for Windows that simplifies project configuration
Delphi is a world-leading dev software for Windows & multi-platforms.
PyScripter is a powerful Python IDE for Windows that simplifies development
Docker is a Windows tool that packages apps in containers
R is a Windows statistical language aiding data analysis
EmEditor Professional is a Windows text editor for developers with advanced features
Apktool is a Windows tool for APK file manipulation
Lens Studio is a tool that enables creating AR experiences for Snapchat on Windows
UltraEdit is an editor offering all programmers expect.
Thonny is an IDE for easy Python learning on Windows.
NVIDIA BIOS Editor enables users to modify NVIDIA graphics card BIOS settings.
RJ TextEd is a comprehensive text editor for programmers.
Doxygen is a system for documenting C, C++, Java, Objective-C and more.
BabelPad is a simple Unicode text editor for easy complex command processing.
ASP.NET Maker quickly generates ASP.NET Core MVC scripts from databases.
SiYuan is a Windows tool that organizes and secures knowledge
Node PDF Generator is a tool that simplifies PDF generation in Node.js for Windows
Tracker is a Windows app that offers useful tracking features
FliFlik Watermark Remover is an AI tool for removing watermarks and backgrounds easily.
Blackpard for Windows is a popular app that offers great functionality.
Under The Covers combines energy and rock for a thrilling experience.
AppGini is a Windows app that simplifies app creation for users
RAPTOR is an educational tool for learning programming at home.
TeXstudio is a powerful LaTeX editor for Windows that simplifies document creation
CudaText is a comprehensive Windows text editor with useful features
EditPlus is a powerful tool for web developers on Windows
Vim is a text editor simplifying tasks for programmers.
PEiD easily analyzes and detects signatures in PE files.
Sourcetree is a Windows tool that simplifies source control management for users.
Rons HTML Cleaner is a smart tool for efficient Windows HTML cleaning
NumPy is essential for Python scientific computing.
ASTGD Pharmacy Management System is a powerful tool that simplifies pharmacy operations
XAPK Packaging Tool is an efficient tool that simplifies XAPK packaging for Windows
Node.js is an asynchronous environment for running JavaScript code.
Discover the latest Blogs software for Windows: Wordpress, Woocommerce, Wordpress Comment Notifier
Discover the latest Installers software for Windows: Apk Installer On Wsa, Innoextractor, Inno Setup
Discover the latest Databases software for Windows: Mysql Workbench, Postgresql, Microsoft Sql Server
Discover the latest Java software for Windows: Apache Netbeans Ide, Java2 Sdk, Apache Tomcat
Discover the latest Html software for Windows: Microsoft Expression Web, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Kompozer
Discover the latest Video Games software for Windows: Scratch, Unity, Aseprite
Discover the latest Help Edition software for Windows: Scite (Scintilla), Helpndoc, Mythcoder
Discover the latest C/C++ software for Windows: Dev-C++, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, Code::blocks
Discover the latest PHP software for Windows: Wampserver, Gallery, Php