GIGL offers eBooks, audiobooks & videos in Eng & Hindi for free learning.
GoodNovel offers a vast collection of exciting stories on Android.
Manga Master offers Android users a vast manga library.
FanFiction.Net is an Android platform for fan content creation and access
MyAnimeList Official makes tracking anime & manga simple and efficient.
NOOK offers millions of reading materials on Android.
Tapas – Comics and Novels offers thousands of comics and stories for users to enjoy.
eBoox: Reader is an Android e-reader with customizable settings
DB Multiverse is an Android app that offers unique experiences for users.
KJV Holy Bible allows Bible study offline.
Dump is an app that helps users sell used books with ease and get optimal returns
Chatie - chat stories offers diverse interactive chat novels.
My Books offers 20,000+ classics in one Android app.
SideBooks is a top app for viewing PDFs and comics.
Class 11 NCERT Solutions offers offline study with quick PDF access.
AC Market Guide is an app explaining AC Market & usage in text blocks.
Readler CBR, CBZ, PDF is a powerful reader for comics and PDF files.
Études Bibliques Approfondies enriches Bible studies with insights and learning.
Unofficial Wiki Minecraft 2014 is an Android guide that offers Minecraft insights
ABBYY Lingvo offers electronic dictionaries in multiple languages.
Amazon's official ultralight Kindle app for Android, takes up less than 2MB with smooth slow network support.
Holy Bible offers English & Portuguese Bible access
MyLOFT app enables offline digital content management across devices.
أبجد: كتب offers free access to thousands of novels.
MLOL Ebook Reader is a global lending service with advanced features
Mango Manga offers thousands of Spanish mangas
Manasik Haji is an Android app that aids in Hajj preparations
JoJo's App offers daily manga & virtual pet care
PPKN Kelas 9 offers 9th-grade Indonesian civics learning via Curriculum 2013.
गुरु परम्परा is an Android app offering free spiritual/cultural text access.
Ncert books & solutions in Hindi for offline study
Audify is a multi-functional app enhancing productivity & eye health.
Novelmates is an Android app with addictive novels and personalized recs
Dark Horse Comics is an app for Android that offers a vast comic collection
Bookmate offers over half a million books in 9 languages.
Ebook and PDF Reader is an Android app for convenient reading
Baiboly & Fihirana offers texts on smartphone for daily devotions.
The Quran Karim app offers Android users a seamless Quran reading and listening experience.
ONE PIECE offers free access to best manga volumes.
Eng to Mar Dictionary is an Android app that simplifies language learning.
Discover the latest Schedules and Calendars apps for Android: Jarvis, Taskade, Mi Calendar
Discover the latest Writing & Notes apps for Android: Google Pdf Viewer, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Coloros Notes
Discover the latest Education & Languages apps for Android: Rosetta Stone, Merge Explorer, Apk Editor Pro
Discover the latest Personal apps for Android: Gemini, Microsoft Word, Chatgpt
Discover the latest Finance apps for Android: Easypaisa, Bitget, Paypal