AutoTest helps practice for Driving Theory Test
Wondershare QuizCreator helps teachers create exams and tests easily.
Test-O-Matic enables quick test dev & marking
TechnoTask is a Windows app that boosts productivity
Islamia University of Bahawal is a Windows-based platform with a vast online learning collection.
Enigeo is a tool for practicing geography skills.
Schoolhouse Bingo is an educational game that makes learning fun for Windows users
mdpColorTest is an app for psychometric Lüscher test on Windows.
Universal Tutor is a unique Windows app that turns screensaver into learning tool
PsicoTest is a Windows app that offers psychological tests for users.
Cabra is an app that creates study/presentation cards for better learning.
European Geography tutor helps learn all European countries easily.
Aritest Profesores enables creating and editing multiple-choice tests.
Razas de perros helps test knowledge of dog breeds.
Daypo Tests Online for Windows is a valuable testing tool.
Discover the latest Typing software for Windows: Typingmaster, Tux Typing, Rapidtyping
Discover the latest Math software for Windows: Mathtype, Geogebra, Microsoft Mathematics
Discover the latest Translators software for Windows: Qtranslate, Google Translate Client, Deepl
Discover the latest Chemistry software for Windows: Pymol, Periodic Table, Avogadro
Discover the latest Dictionaries software for Windows: English, Wordweb, Tagaini Jisho
Discover the latest Language software for Windows: Duolingo, Anki, Open Book
Discover the latest Astronomy software for Windows: Celestia, Stellarium, Registax V3
Discover the latest E-Books software for Windows: Google Books Downloader, Z-Library, Aquile Reader
Discover the latest Tools software for Windows: Xender - Share Music Transfer, Ibis Paint, Inkscape