Yum is a recipe organizer that simplifies meal management.
Home Inventory is a Mac tool for making possessions inventory.
Measuring Cup for Mac is a precise measurement tool that simplifies tasks.
Griffith is a movie app that helps users organize their movie collections.
DVD Hunter is a free cataloger to organize movie collections.
ohmiGene is a family tree builder that simplifies ancestral data storage.
MacFamilyTree is a complete app for studying family gene pools.
Books for Mac is a handy app that offers a great reading experience
Game Hunter is an organizer that helps manage your game collection on Mac
Book Hunter for Mac organizes and catalogs book collections.
Bookpedia manages your book collection with Apple Remote support.
GamePedia is an app to catalog game collections with an adapted db.
JabRef is a reference manager that simplifies bibliography management.
Coollector Movie Database is a handy tool to manage your movie collection on Mac
YummySoup is a kitchen recipes organizer with an online library.
Gramps helps create your own family tree.
Discover the latest Text & documents software for Mac: Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office 2019, Kindle
Discover the latest Information & finances software for Mac: Amazon Chime, Evernote, Things
Discover the latest Health, sports & leisure software for Mac: Garmin Express, Eloquent, Perfecttableplan